Friday, January 4, 2008

Silverado Happenings

We've got some really cool things going on at Silverado right now - unfortunately, I can't give specifics on most of them but will do the best I can.  On January 2nd, we increased our staff by over 30%!  This brought our staff total from 3 to 4   =)  Erik Espera joined the team to take over the Studio division of the company.  Erik is easily one of the top 5 editors in the Sacramento Region and a HUGE addition to the team.  He brings over 14yrs experience to table and as done some amazing work.  We're thrilled to have him.
Speaking of Post and editing, here's a shot of our editing suite:
Right now it's mainly used for color correction due to the fact that we have a Mortgage Company on one side and a Financial Planner on the other.  They tend not to appreciate wall shaking sound like we do . . .  It's a great suite though - eCenima Display, Tangent CP100 Panel, couple of decks (HDCAM, HDV, DVC Pro) and a 42" Panasonic Plasma on the wall.  Final Cut Studio 2 for our NLE running on an 8-Core Mac Pro.  We've recently added an LTO-3 deck for archiving and will be getting a Scratch system from Assimilate any day now for support of a full range of RED formats and resolutions to full 4k.

We're growing like crazy and are continuously looking for a location that will allow us to expand. I'm absolutely ecstatic about what lies ahead for Silverado - I'll post more details about current projects as they become available.


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